Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Irfany, SE, MAppEc

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Irfany, SE, MAppEc

Dosen Pengajar


  • S-1 Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia (2005)
  • S-2 School of Economics, University of Adelaide, Australia (2009)
  • S-3 Chair of Development Economics Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen, Germany (2014)


Profesional Info

Bidang Keahlian

  • Development economics, Islamic economics, sustainable developmentgoals (SDGs), climate change, macroeconomics, monetary, banking and financial institutions, international finance.
  • Methods: Macro-econometrics (Time series, Panel Data), IO-GTAP-Environment Analysis.

Mata Kuliah yang diajarkan

  • Postgraduate (S3): Advanced Islamic Finance, Advanced Development Economics.
  • Postgraduate (S2): Islamic Finance, Development Economics.
  • Undergraduate (S1): Research Methods, Islamic Non-bank Financial Institutions, Islamic Macroeconomics, Economics of Regulations, Islamic Finance and Banking System, Management of Halal Products, Halal Industry, International Islamic Economics and Finance.


Year Title
2024 Dampak Keuangan Syariah Terhadap Perubahan Iklim: Analisis Data Panel pada Negara Organisasi Kerjasama Islam, BIMA-Riset 2024, Ketua Tim
2024 Strategi Penguatan STEM untuk Meningkatkan Inovasi dan Produktivitas Industri dalam Mendukung Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia, Research Grant Bank Indonesia (RGBI), Anggota Peneliti.
2023 Penerapan Teknologi Pertanian Terintegrasi dalam Mewujudkan Pesantren yang Tangguh, Ekonomi Mandiri, Insan Sejahtera dan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan. IPB University – PT Adaro Indonesia, Ketua Tim
2023 Rencana Induk Pengabdian Masyarakat, DPMA IPB. Ketua Tim Perumus
2023 Kajian Dampak Kedaireka Matching Fund 2022 (Kemendikbudristek), Ketua Tim Ahli
2022 Data Desa Presisi: Kajian Ekonomi dan Sosial. Mamuju Sulawesi Barat. Pemprov Sulbar – IPB University
2022 Perluasan Kerja Berbasis Kawasan (PKK-BK), Kabupaten Bener Meriah, Aceh. Kemenakertrans – IPB University.
2022 Indonesia Halal Industry Masterplan (Masterplan Industri Halal Indonesia (MPIHI)), KNEKS-DEKS BI-SB IPB.
2021 Citizen Satisfaction Survey on SP4N Lapor. UNDP Indonesia and PT Primakelola IPB.
2020 L-SIR: a COVID-19 epidemic model with loss aversion features. 

Financial and Economic Data Science.

2020 Study on Alternative Products (Extract and Essence) of Tobacco.
2019 Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems in Islamic Countries in Face of Future of Food Crises. Independent consultant of Dinarstandard (New York) for Indonesian Case Study, commisioned by The Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC), the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
2019 Measuring Economic and Social Impact of Exports Credit Insurance of LPEI. (Pengukuran Dampak Ekonomi dan Sosial atas Fasilitas Asuransi Pembiayaan Ekspor per Sektor LPEI). Collaboration between Inter CAFE LPPM IPB and Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia (LPEI) Eximbank
2019 Research on Partnership Schemes of Tobacco Farming (Kajian Kemitraan dalam Pertanian Tembakau). Collaboration between Faculty of Economics and Management IPB and Asosiasi Petani Tembakau (Tobacco Farmer Association).
2017-2018 Sustainability and profitability of cocoa-based farming systems in

Indonesia. Collaboration between IPB and the University of Sydney, funded by the Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC).

2017 Kajian Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) Housing Index, funded by Bank BTN.
2011-2014 Economic development and de-carbonization paths: A micro and macro perspectives in Indonesia. PhD dissertation. Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen.
2013-… “Land use change, expenditure dynamics and emission trade-off: the evidence from Central Sulawesi”, part of CRC 990 section C4, Georg-August University of Goettingen. http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/412101.html
2013-2014 Examining between economic development, energy consumption and emission in Indonesia: time series analysis. PhD thesis, Georg-August University of Goettingen
2012-2014 “Inequality in Emissions: evidence from Indonesian households”, PhD thesis, Georg-August University of Goettingen
2011-2013 “Carbon footprints of Indonesian Households”, research chapter of Decarbonization and Development Path (EntDeKen Project). Collaborative research PIK Potsdam, GIGA Hamburg and University of Goettingen. Project funded by DFG (German Government).

http://www.unigoettingen. de/en/412101.html

2009-2010 Researcher, “Islamic Organisations and Women Empowerment”, research funded by Australia-Indonesia Government Research Partnership (AIGRP).
2007-2008 2007-2008 Researcher, “Religious Organization, Social Capital, and Local Governance: The Case of Madrasahs in Indonesia” collaboration between University of Adelaide, Australia and Inter CAFE IPB, funded by Australia-Indonesia Government

Research Partnership (AIGRP).

2007 Researcher, “Investigation of Contract Farming Options for Shrimp Production”. Funded by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), project No. SMAR/2007/226.
2008 Researcher, “Empirical Analysis on Persistence Unemployment and it Solutions based on Micro Data”, Collaboration between Inter CAFE LPPM IPB and Central Bank of Indonesia (BI)
2007 Researcher, “Investigation on Non-collateral scheme of credit in Rural Bank”,

collaboration between InterCAFE LPPM IPB andCentralBank of Indonesia (BI).

2007 Researcher, “Designing the Vision of Indonesia 2030: Banking, Capital Market

and Financial Institutions”, collaboration between the Indonesian Forum and


2007 Researcher, “Banking Intermediation: Problems and Solutions”, collaboration between Inter CAFE LPPM IPB and Center for Study and Central Banking Research, Bank of Indonesia.
2007 Researcher, “Leading Indicators for Property Sector”, collaboration between

Inter CAFE LPPM IPB and Central Bank of Indonesia (BI)

2006 Economist assistant, “Policy Study On The Economic Prerequisite to Decentralized Governance Preliminary Stage”, LOGIC Bappenas-UNDP.
2006 Researcher (Econometric Analysis), “Study on Regional Economy: Cross 14

Provinces Study in Indonesia”, collaboration between Inter CAFE LPPM IPB and Lippo Bank

2005-2006 Researcher, ” Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Regional Economy and Financial Sector”, collaboration between Inter CAFE LPPM IPB and Central Bank of Indonesia (BI)
2005 Researcher, “Paradox of Economic Growth and Unemployment: Existence, Implication, and Solution”, collaboration between Bank of Indonesia (BI) and



Academic Awards and Scholarship:

  • Best Graduate, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, 2005.
    1. Best Graduate, Department of Economics, IPB University, 2005.
    2. Cum-Laude graduate of IPB, 2005.
    3. Student Achievement Award (Mahasiswa Berprestasi, finalist), Faculty of Economics and Management as well as the Department of Economics, IPB, 2004.
    4. “Golden Keys Invitation Member: top 15 percents of graduated student”, the University of Adelaide, 2009.
    5. Best Lecturer in International Publication, FEM Awards 2024.
  • Scholarships:
  •  Experts – Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, European Union, 2011-2014.
  • Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences PhD grant, 2014.
  • Australian Development Scholarship (ADS), 2008-2009.
  • Bank Indonesia (BI) Scholarship, 2004-2005.
  • PT Aneka Tambang Tbk Scholarship, 2002-2005.

Professional Memberships:

  1. Association of Indonesian Economists/Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Indonesia (IAEI), Orwil Bogor, 2022-2024.
  2. International Association for Islamic Economics (IAIE), member number: 0095/IAIE/2021, since 2021
  3. Ikatan Cendikiawan Muslim (ICMI) Orwilsus Bogor, Bidang UMKM dan Ekonomi Syariah, ICMI Orwilsus Bogor. Since 2022.
  4. Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES), Indonesian Association of Islamic Economics, Germany branch, General Secretary, 2011-2014.
  5. Association of Indonesian Islamic Economic Scholar / Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam (IAEI), Germany branch, coordinator, 2012-2014.
  6. Vice chairman, Lembaga Amil Zakat Nahdlatul Ulama (NUCare-LazisNU), Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), 2015-2020.
  7. Human and Development and Capability Association (HDCA), Member, since 2012.
  8. Durham Islamic Finance Summer School (DIFS), membership alumnae, since 2012.


    1. D Febriana, R Fitri, MI Irfany (2024). Factors Influencing the Performance of Indonesia’s Sukuk Index During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Islamic Capital Market 2 (1).
    2. A Asmara, AS Permana, MI Irfany (2024). Economic determinants of changes in labor participation in the Indonesian agricultural sector before and during COVID-19. Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences 30 (1), 62-79.
    3. MI Irfany, MIN Syam, DA Haq (2024). The Impact of Islamic Finance on Carbon Emissions: Lessons from OIC Countries. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 14 (3), 198-205 2024
    4. HN Izzah, MI Irfany (2024). Factors that Influence the Offender’s Decision MSME’s Have a Halal Certificate in the District Bogor. Halal Studies and Society 1 (1), 33-36.
    5. DN Al Zahroh, A Hidayat, MI Irfany (2024). Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Household Activities: A Case in Bogor Indonesia. Accounting and Sustainability 3 (1).
    6. R Afiana, A Hidayat, MI Irfany, DA Haq (2024). Household Activities and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Value: Lessons from a Neglasari Household Survey. Business and Sustainability 3 (1).
    7. H Purwawangsa, MI Irfany, DA Haq (2024). Indonesian Coffee Exports’ Competitiveness and Determinants. Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis 21 (1), 59-59
    8. MA Muslich, A Nurhalim, MI Irfany (2024) Implementation of the Halal Assurance System and MSME Business Development Strategy: the Case of a Coffee Shop. Halal Studies and Society 1 (01), 1-6 2024
    9. VA Nadya, A Nurhalim, MI Irfany (2023). Marketing Mix Strategy in Waqf Online Fundraising Platform: An Importance-Performance Analysis. AL-MUZARA’AH 11 (2), 119-132 2023
    10. MI Irfany, MFY Ulhaqqi (2023) The effect of systematic and unsystematic determinants on loan (financing) to deposit ratio in Indonesian banking. Annals of Management and Organization Research 5 (1), 61-72 2023
    11. A Rezkyarta, MI Irfany (2023). Bibliometric Analysis of Sukuk Literatures. Journal of Islamic Economics Literatures 4 (2) 2023
    12. M Zidan, MI Irfany (2023) Islamic Securities Crowdfunding: A Bibliometric Analysis. Islamic Social Finance 3 (2) 2023
    13. AH Setiawan, R Fitri, M Muthohharoh, MI Irfany (2023) Investment strategy on indonesia islamic stocks using Greenblatt Magic Formula. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management 5 (3), 281-296 2023
    14. SIA Putri, MI Irfany (2023). A Bibliometric Analysis of Eco-Fashion Islamic Marketing Review 2 (2) 22023
    15. MI Irfany, H Purwawangsa, AS Slamet, BP Prawiro, DA Haq (2023). Community Development of Rural Business Ecosystems with Pineapple Commodities in Peat and Mangrove Areas for Environmental Sustainability with One Village One CEO Program. Frontier in Sustainable Agromaritime and Environmental Development 2023
    16. H Purwawangsa, MI Irfany, AS Slamet, BP Prawiro, DA Haq (2023). Sustainable Rural Business Ecosystem: Sago Noodles in Airputih Village, Bengkalis Island. Frontier in Sustainable Agromaritime and Environmental Development 2023
    17. F Ramadhini, MI Irfany (2023). Bibliometric Analysis on Islamic and Conventional Money Demand. Ekonomi Islam Indonesia 5 (2) 2023.
    18. MI Irfany, SR Ningsih, Q Hasanah, AS Rusydiana (2023). Proposing Green Waqf Development Strategy in Protecting Land Ecosystems in Indonesia: An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach. Ekonomi Islam Indonesia 5 (1)2  2023
    19. M Mustika, N Hasanah, MI Irfany (2023). Factors affecting household debt to moneylenders. Annals of Human Resource Management Research 3 (1), 1-16 2023
    20. Afifah, TE., N Hasanah, MI Irfany (2023). Testing the efficient market hypothesis with Indonesian Islamic Stocks during the Covid-19 pandemic. Annals of Management and Organization Research 4 (3), 175-19.
    21. Ramadini KN., N. Hasanah, MI Irfany (2023). Business Strategy in Islamic Boarding School: A Case Study of Pesantren Hidayatullah Depok Indonesia. Bukhori: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam 3 (1), 11-2.
    22. Fitri R., MW Syakuro, MI Irfany (2023). Strategy for Developing the Concept of Halal Beach Tourism in Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta. AL-MUZARA’AH 11 (1), 87-101.
    23. Irfany, MI., Y. Khairunnisa, M. Tieman (2023). Factors influencing Muslim Generation Z consumers’ purchase intention of environmentally friendly halal cosmetic products. Journal of Islamic Marketing. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIMA-07-2022-0202
    24. Rusydiana, A.S., M.I. Irfany, A. Assalafiyah, M. Tieman (2023). Halal Supply Chain: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Islamic Marketing. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIMA-01-2022-0009
    25. Irfany, M.I., Tarmizi, M.M., Fitri, R., Hasanah, N. (2022).  Development and Climate Change in OIC Countries: Examining Causality between Economic Development, Energy Consumption, and Emissions. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2022, 12(4), pp. 61–66
    26. Nurtjahjo, F. M., T Nursyamsiah, MI Irfany (2022). Financial Distress Before and During Pandemic Covid-19: Is Islamic Banking in Indonesia Resilience? Falah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah 7 (2), 14-26, 2022.
    27. M. I Irfany, A. S. Rusydiana (2022). Challenges in Developing Integrated Halal Industry in Indonesia. Halal Tourism and Pilgrimage 2 (1), 2022
    28. M.I. Irfany, N. Wulan, R. Fitri (2022). The Impact of Islamic Financial Inclusion on Micro-Enterprises Capital: The Case of Sumedang Regency. IQTISHODUNA (VOL.18, No.2, 2022)141-153
    29. Irfany, M.I., M. Tarmizi, R. Fitri, N. Hasanah (2022). Development and climate change in OIC Countries: Examining causality between economic development, energy consumption, and emissions. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(4), 61–66. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.13058.
    30. Al Bajili, A.N., MI Irfany, A Nurhalim (2022).Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Keputusan Masyarakat dalam Memilih Wakaf Uang . Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam 15 (2), 1-25, 2022
    31. Rafki, M., R Wiliasih, MI Irfany (2022). Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Volume Perdagangan Sukuk Ritel SR-008 di Indonesia.  Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam 1 (2), 95-117, 2022. 
    32. Syafitri, W.,  J Effendi, MI Irfany (2022). Is there a Short-term Overreaction to Pandemic Covid-19?: A case study of the Indonesia Islamic Capital Market. Al-Uqud: Journal of Islamic Economics 6 (2), 2022
    33. Anggraini, L A Nurhalim, MI Irfany (2022). Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Frekuensi Permintaan Konsumen terhadap Muslim Friendly Hotel di Kabupaten Belitung. Bukhori: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam 1 (2), 79-93, 2022
    34. Laila, N., A.S. Rusydiana, M.I. Irfany, HR. Imron., P. Srisusilawati, M. Taqi. (2021). Energy Economics in Islamic Countries: A Bibliometric Review. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. Vol 11/2 pp 88-95. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.10763 
    35. Rusydiana, AS, MI Irfany (2021). Proposing Blue Sukuk in Indonesia: An Interpretive Structural Model. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business 6 (1), 101-114.
    36. Munawwaroh, F., LD Arsyianti, MI Irfany (2021). Feasibility analysis of Paya Lombang village for zakat community development program. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (JCIS) 7 (1), 85-99.
    37. Irfany, M.I., P. McMahon, D. Guest, N. Nuryartono, (2020). “Determinants of diversification by cocoa smallholders in Sulawesi”. International Journal of Social Economics – IJSE-02-2020-0106.R1. Publication date: 3 September 2020.
    38. Mujadiddah, S., N.A. Achsani, N., M.I Irfany (2020). SHORT-TERM OVERREACTION OF ISLAMIC STOCKS TO SPECIFIC EVENTS IN INDONESIA. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.21098/jimf.v6i1.1121 
    39. Rusydiana, A.S., N. Laila, M.I Irfany (2019). “Technological Change and Banking Productivity: Evidence from Indonesian Islamic Banks”. Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, forthcoming
    40. Rifai, M.A., N. Nuryartono, M.I. Irfany (2018). “Carbon Footprint Based on Household Consumption: Case Study on Cocoa Farmer’s Household in Polewali Mandar”, Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 11, No. 6 (2018). doi:10.5539/jsd.v11n6p15
    41. Irfany, M. I, and S. Klasen (2017). “Affluence and emission tradeoffs: Evidence from Indonesian households’ carbon footprint”. Environment and Development Economics, 22(5), 546-570. doi:10.1017/S1355770X17000262
    42. Irfany, M. I. (2015). “Inequality in emissions: Evidence from Indonesian households”. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies. EEPS-D-14-00068. 
    43. Irfany. M.I, Yusuf R, Klasen S (2015) The Consumption-based carbon footprint in Sulawesi and Jambi. Efforts Discussion Paper Series, University of Göttingen.
    44. Irfany, M. I. (2014). “Economic development and de-carbonization paths: Micro an macro perspectives from Indonesia”. Doctoral dissertation. Georg-August University of Goettingen, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
    45. Bakhtiar, T., I. Sugema, M. I. Irfany. (2014). “Mathematical Assessment on the Robustness of Profit Loss Sharing Mechanism Against Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard Problems”. Applied Mathematical Sciences 2014, Vol. 8, 2014, no. 13, 633–644. http://www.mhikari. om/ams/ams-2014/ams-13-16-2014/bakhtiarAMS13-16-2014.pdf 
    46. Irfany, M. I. (2014). “Affluence and emission trade-offs: evidence from Indonesian household carbon footprint,” Courant Research Centre: Poverty, Equity and Growth – Discussion Papers 161, Courant Research Centre PEG. http://www2.vwl.wiso.uni-goettingen.de/courant-papers/CRC-PEG_DP_161.pdf 
    47. Irfany, M. I. (2013). “Household affluence and carbon footprint inequality: evidence from Indonesia”, presented at the PhD Colloquium in Economics, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, December 11 2013
    48. Irfany, M. I. (2013), “Economic development, expenditure dynamics and emission tradeoffs: evidence from Indonesia.” Poverty, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet) Conference 2013: How to Shape Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Economies in the Developing World ─ Global, Regional, and Local Solutions, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-18 October 2013.
    49. M. I. Irfany (2013). De-carbonization of Development Paths: case study of India, Indonesia and the Philippines’. Joint presentation at the International Dialogue Forum “Low Carbon Development and Poverty Reduction, the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, 21-22 February 2013. Irfany, M.I. (2012), “Analysis of Indonesian Household Carbon Footprint’. Conference Proceeding, Green Growth Young Researcher Conference, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, November 15-16, 2012. Kiel Institute of World Economy.
    50. Irfany, M.I. (2012), “De-carbonization of Development Paths: Household Emission Inequality in Indonesia”. Conference proceeding D2P2 Session Poverty, Inequality, Institutions and Green, Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) International Conference 2012, Jakarta, 5-7 September2012. 
    51. Irfany, M. I., M. N. Serino, “Analysis of Household Carbon Footprint in Indonesia and the Philippines”, Proceeding, De-carbonization and Development (EntDekEn) Stakeholder Meeting, Göttingen, 16 October 2012.
    52. Sugema, I., and M.I. Irfany, A. Holis, T. Bakhtiar (2010), “Consumer Price Index for the Poor: and Empirical Analysis of Indonesia”. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (IRJFE), October 2010.
    53. Irfany, M. I., and C. Rogers (2009), “Implications of Exchange Rate Variability in ASEAN+3: Optimum Currency Area Criteria and the Fear of Floating Approach”, School of Economics Working Paper, University of Adelaide.
    54. Oktaviani, R., N. Nuryartono, T. Novianti, M. I. Irfany, A.M. Pasaribu (2007), “Investigation of Contract Farming Options for Shrimp Production”, Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) working paper, SMAR/2007/226.
    55. Irfany, M.I. (2005). “Can Money Stock Targeting Stabilize Exchange Rate? A GMM Estimation”, undergraduate thesis at Department of Economics, FEM IPB.


  1. Arsyianti, LD, Ranti Wiliasih, Marhamah Muthohharoh, Asep Nurhalim, M, Iqbal Irfany, dkk (2023). Islamic crowdfunding. Penerbit PT IPB Press 2022. 
  2. I. Sugema, and M.I. Irfany (2022). Bukan Tafsir: Sari Kontemplasi Pemikiran Ekonomi Syariah Kontemporer. IPB Press. ISBN: 978-623-467-056-1 
  3. M.I. Irfany (2019). Zakat in Agriculture and Its Impacts on Indonesian Economy (Zakat Pertanian dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia), book chapter in “Zakatnomics”, Tim Puskas Baznas, 2019.
  4. M.I. Irfany (2018). Zakat and Its Strategic Roles in Developing Food Crops Farmers (“Peran Strategis Zakat dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Tani Tanaman Pangan”), book chapter in “Kemiskinan Masyarakat Tani Pangan dan Pemberdayaan Zakat”, Tim Puskas Baznas, 2018.
  5. Sugema, I. and M.I. Irfany (2010), “Global Economic Crises and American Disease”, International Center for Applied Finance and Economics.
  6. Irfany, M. I., and J. Effendi (2010), “The Introduction to Interest (Usury): an Islamic Law Perspective”, book chapter in Sugema, I (editor), “Calculus of Islamic Finance”, International Center for Applied Finance and Economics working paper.
  7. Sugema, I., and M. I. Irfany (2010), “The Economics of Riba Fadhl”, book chapter in I. Sugema (editor), “Calculus of Islamic Finance”, International Center for Applied Finance and Economics working paper.
  8. Bakhtiar, T, Sugema, I., and M. I. Irfany (2010), “Solving Asymmetric Information by Deferred Payment Scheme”, book chapter in I. Sugema (editor), “Calculus of Islamic Finance”, International Center for Applied Finance and Economics working paper.
  9. Baswir, R., I. Sugema, and M. I. Irfany (2009), “Governing the State-own Enterprises”, book chapter in S. Sarjadi and I. Sugema (editors), “Constitutional Economic Thought” (Ekonomi Konstitusi), Sugeng Sarjadi Syndicate Press.
  10. Saparini, H., M. I. Irfany, and T. Irawan (2009), “Indonesian Competitiveness”, book chapter in S. Sarjadi and I. Sugema (editors), “Constitutional Economic Thought” (Ekonomi Konstitusi), Sugeng Sarjadi Syndicate Press.
  11. Irfany, M. I., and I. Sugema (2006), “Monetary Economics I”, lecture materials (book), the Department of Economics, FEM IPB.
  12. Irfany, M. I., and I. Sugema (2006), “Bank and Financial Institutions”, lecture materials (book), the Department of Economics, IPB.
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